
Welcome to cloudhacks.blog,

This blog site was setup to share expertise and knowledge of all things technology.

With focus on automation, public cloud, private cloud, security and all things infrastructure. This blog aims to provide a mixture of automation examples, as well as educational information on new technologies and how-to guides.

Introducing some of our bloggers:

Monty Sinha

Hi, I am the primary owner of this blog site, I started this site to help share some of things I have learnt along the way. Taking my love for technology I have worked for several organisations as a Infrastructure and DevOps Engineer. Although I enjoy learning new technologies and have experience in several areas in IT, below are considered my expertise

  • Microsoft (Azure, AD, ADFS, Windows Server, RDS, PowerShell)
  • Citrix (XenApp, XenDesktop, Netscaler)
  • Networking
  • F5 (LTM, GTM, ASM and APM)
  • VMware (Airwatch, vSphere, NSX, vRA, vRO)
  • Public Cloud and Cloud Native (Azure, AWS, Kubernates)

I hope to share my experiance through this website.

more bloggers to come…

Disclaimer – The views expressed on this site are strictly ours and not the opinions or views of our employers